Frequently Asked Questions

The electronic signature is a set of data associated with an electronic document and used to identify the signatory. It must guarantee the authenticity and identity of the signatory and be linked to the signed data in its entirety.

Our signature tools are fully compliant with the requirements of the eIDAS regulation, considered the most demanding digital identity trust services standard in the world.

Documents can be stored in the tool itself or stored in your document management system.

Viafirma allows to customize the final stages of the life cycle of a signed document, through the implementation of different mechanisms to transfer and/or copy the generated and signed documents.

We offer different options:

  • Storage in Viafirma’s servers.
  • External transfer: a system for transferring signed documents to an external system or repository can be activated.
  • Automatic deletion: can be configured at various points in the process, for example in the implementation of the external transfer, i.e. if the transfer was successful, the document is automatically deleted.

We offer an interface 100% adapted to mobile devices, allowing the execution of tasks entirely on the mobile. In addition, we have free applications in Apple Store and Play Store.

The most widespread method is using the digital certificate. However, there are other options that are much simpler and just as valid. You can learn more about how to sign a document digitally on our blog.

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