Locked user – Certificate centralization tool

The security policy of our certificate management tool is configured to control the number of attempts a user can use to login.

Therefore, if you do not remember your password, the user can be blocked.

Usuario bloqueado - Herramienta de centralización de certificados



How can I unlock my user?

Through the Locked User? link, the user can be unlocked by following the following steps:

1 – We indicate the user to unlock

Usuario a desbloquear - Herramienta de centralización de certificados


2 – If the data is correct the tool will send an email to the account indicated.

Correo para desbloquear usuario - Herramienta de centralización de certificados

Once unlocked it will take you back to the login screen and you can try again to access the tool.

What can I do if I don’t remember my password?


If you don’t remember your password you can use the option Forgot your password? and follow the steps so the tool will guide you.





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