How to sign a PDF with a digital certificate on a mobile phone?

Are you wondering how to sign a PDF with a digital certificate with your mobile phone? Thanks to Viafirma’s app you will be able to sign PDF with digital certificate from your mobile in a quick and easy way. We tell you how!

Our solution Viafirma Platform is an electronic signature application for the main operating systems of mobile devices and published. You can download it for free in the different mobile application markets (Apple Store, Google Play, etc.).

Once you have this app installed, we will tell you how to sign a PDF with a digital certificate on your mobile. The electronic signature is generated inside the mobile device with a digital certificate software residing in it, so we are talking about advanced mobile electronic signature.

IMPORTANT It is not possible to use Viafirma’s app to authenticate or sign electronically with certificates from the mobile in web applications that do not use services previously contracted to Viafirma.

If you are interested in trying any of our products, do not hesitate to contact us through our contact form.


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