Trends in mobility and internet in 2019 and changes compared to 2018: operating systems, browsers and search engines

With the new year knocking on the door we give the answer to the following question: what’s the behaviour of internet users in relation to the main tools, such as browsers, search engines and operating systems?

It concludes 2019 and, as is customary in this blog, we proceed to review the use of browsers, operating systems and web browsers. We will see its percentage of use based on the results shown by the Net Marketshare portal and the variations, if any, compared to 2018. In addition, we will make a distinction between desktop and mobile devices, in order to have a more complete radiography of the situation.

Trends in browsers

We will begin this study talking about the most prominent web browsers and user habits in reference to them.

Desktop browsers: Chrome remains the leader and Firefox surpasses Internet Explorer

Here Google Chrome is still, and by far, the clear winner with a quota of 67.33%, higher than that of 2018, when it was 64.15%. The second place is held by Mozilla Firefox, with 9.89%, showing a slight rise compared to 2018, being then its share of 9%. The third position is for Internet Explorer with 7.49%, having registered a more pronounced decrease, since in 2018 its percentage of use was 10.83%, being then in second position.

Nor should we forget in this analysis of other browsers, such as Microsoft’s alternative to Explorer, Edge, whose percentage is 5.56%, having grown more than one point compared to 2018 (4.30%), and Apple’s browser, Safari, with 3.79%, which has remained stable over the last year.

Browsers on mobile devices: Chrome and Safari go up and the Chinese do not achieve significant results

If we move to the mobile environment, we see a clear differentiation between Android and iOS, specifically between Google Chrome and Safari, which are the ones that usually come pre-installed on these devices.

Chrome for mobile phones has usage figures of 64.30%, having grown compared to 2018 (63.16%); meanwhile, Safari has a 27.10% share, also growing in the last year (26.62%); In third position is the Chinese browser QQ, with 1.78%, up some tenths this year. We must also highlight the fall of another Chinese browser, Baidu, which has moved from third position (2.03%) to sixth (1.18%).

Trends in operating systems

What softwares are the most used to manage the resources of a desktop or mobile device? Let’s check the results.

Desktop operating systems: Windows remains the undisputed king.

Here Microsoft Windows stands out with 87.40%, remaining stable compared to 2018 (87.71%); It is followed by Mac, Apple’s operating system which, with 10.06%, has not changed significantly this year (9.61% in 2018); The bronze medal is for Linux which, with 1.95%, has fallen very slightly (2.09% in 2018).

Mobile operating systems: in the midst of a hectic market, Android remains a leader in clear advantage.

In the mobile environment, Android is the predominant operating system with 69.72%, remaining since 2018 (70.09%); iOS follows with 29.16%, showing a slight growth (28.50%).

Search Engine Trends

It is quite likely that when you open a browser, the first page that opens automatically is that of a search engine. We use them constantly to get the desired information. Let’s check which search engines are the most common.

Desktop search engines: Bing, Baidu and Yahoo! go down, Yandex goes up

Among search engines, Google is clearly the king with 75.49%, down minimally (73.62% in 2018); the second place is disputed between the search engine of Microsoft, Bing, with 9.89% and the Chinese Baidu, with 9.20%. Of these last two, a noticeable fall is observed, since in 2018 Bing’s share was 7.90% and Baidu’s 12.71%.

We also pay attention to Yahoo!, which has 2.82% (3.61% in 2018) and the Russian search engine Yandex, with 1.20% (0.47% in 2018).

Search engines on mobile devices: nobody comes close to Google.

Here Google is also in the privilege place enjoying 89% market share, having grown since 2018, when it had 81.48%; the second position is for the Chinese Baidu, with 7.79%, which has experienced a somewhat abrupt fall, since in 2018 it had 16.11%, then representing a slight threat to Google.

On the other hand, we must mention Yahoo!, with 1.22 (0.93% in 2018); Bing, with 0.87% (0.82% in 2018) and Yandex, with 0.50% (0.29% in 2018).

Once all the figures related to the content of this article have been studied, there are no sudden changes compared to 2018. We can consider Google, Microsoft and Apple the great market dominators, despite the Chinese threat that, as we have seen in the case of Baidu, has deflated during this 2019.

Will these trends change in this brand new 2020? We will remain attentive and, of course, we will continue telling you everything related to them.


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