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Advantages of electronic signatures for SMEs

Welcome to digitalization! If you are reading this, it is because you are considering updating your company to the 21st century with the electronic signature. Let me show you the advantages of the electronic signature, its disadvantages, how it can help you reduce costs and how to take advantage of the electronic signature in your SME.

What are the main advantages of electronic signatures?

Let’s get down to business. The main advantage of the electronic signature is its ability to speed up your company’s procedures. How, you ask? Simple. It allows you to indicate an order in which the documents are signed and these will go alone in order to the signatories. No more having to be on top of anyone to sign any document. You automate the signature, program the reminders and forget about it.

This ability to automate certain processes will allow you to streamline internal and external procedures and, better yet, allows for faster scalability of your business model. After all, what’s more important to the machine than 300 signatures? It will take the same time to send them and you can dedicate yourself to your business (you already have enough on your hands). We understand that there may be many doubts about the legal validity of these signed documents, but this is already implemented (at least for our services). Viafirma complies with all the legal requirements of the DAS Regulation. This certificate is valid in the EU, USA, Canada and Latin America (we tell you more about it in this publication about the legality of the electronic signature).

With this system you don’t have to worry about problems with the authenticity of your documents (the system avoids the possibility of fraud) and always ensures the confidentiality of your agreements, after all, any signature will always remain between the sender and the signatories. No one else will see your sensitive information.

If you are not particularly agile with technology, the electronic signature can be a problem, but do not worry we have in production a good batch of digital signature video tutorials so you can specialize in digital signature in 5 quick videos. If you still prefer something more human, we can make you a demo and we will solve your doubts.

Another concern you may have when it comes to preserving your digital signature is cyber-attacks. And if your signature is stolen, what damage can they do to your finances? If only there was a system to store your certificate in the cloud so it can’t be touched by the average 16-year-old hacker… Do you know about our Fortress solution?

So, what do you think, are you convinced by the advantages of electronic signatures?


How does the electronic signature reduce costs for SMEs?

You have already seen the different advantages of electronic signatures. But the best advantage of any system is the savings. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Puedes reducir el coste del papel. Sí, a priori no parece un coste increíble de compra y hay hasta cierto nicho de usuarios que quieren mantener el papel, pero aquí no hablamos de un libro para tu biblioteca, aquí hablamos de cientos de papeles de documentos firmados que tienes que guardar y clasificar en tus oficinas, reduciendo el espacio y con el consiguiente recorte del coste de instalaciones y del tiempo que supone ponerse a buscar un papel que has perdido. 
  • El papel merma la escalabilidad de tu empresa, pues cuanto más factures, más folios impresos tendrás que tener rondando. ¡Olvídate de la impresora y de sus problemas, pásate a la firma digital! (También te podrás poner una medallita de ayudar al medio ambiente, que eso siempre vende frente al público, para qué mentir).
  • También verás reducido el coste de los desplazamientos. Y no nos referimos justo a moverte a la oficina de nadie, que también, hablamos de desplazamientos por carretera para cerrar grandes acuerdos, hablo de los costes de estancia. Sí, puede que muchos prefieran el contacto cercano para cerrar grandes contratos, pero también puedes realizar esa misma firma en tu tablet o ordenador. Nada de llevar a la reunión folios desperdigados. Hoy mismo puedes blindar tu empresa ante la próxima pandemia con el mundo digital.

Under what circumstances can you use it in your company?

After all the advantages of electronic signatures mentioned above, many still wonder how to apply this tool in day-to-day life. These are the main uses:

  • La administración interna de tu empresa: podrás delegar tareas de firma de presupuestos y solicitudes con la misma validez jurídica, no tendrás que encargarte personalmente de la búsqueda de ayudas y suscripción a las mismas. Ya lo decía Stephen R. Covey – “Si delegamos la responsabilidad a personas aptas y adiestradas podremos dedicar nuestras energías a otras actividades importantes, lo que nos permite avanzar y desarrollarnos”.
  • RRHH podrá hacerse cargo de los contratos, consentimientos y acuerdos a distancia con la máxima velocidad, pudiéndose centrar en el bienestar de los trabajadores y en la eficiencia de su trabajo.
  • La situación del trabajo desde casa la añadimos al final, pues sabemos que es un tema delicado con muchos detractores, pero los beneficios están ahí. Permite que puedas contratar y poner a trabajar sin la necesidad de moverse a un solo punto a personas de todo el globo.

It will be more or less useful in your day-to-day business, but the advantages of electronic signatures are numerous. The electronic signature is the present and it is never too much to know about new tools. Do you want to know how we can help you to update your SME with digital signature? Contact us and let us see how we can help you.


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