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Avansi se convierte en facturador electrónico en República Dominicana

Avansi joins as electronic biller in the DR

This month of August starts with an interesting news: AVANSI, Viafirma’s Dominican subsidiary, becomes an electronic biller. You can use the electronic signature to sign your invoices and send them to the DGII for validation.

We tell you what this public initiative consists of and the impressions during the first days as an electronic biller.

Status of electronic invoicing in the Dominican Republic

In a previous publication, we told you the details about this initiative led by the General Directorate of Internal Taxes of the Dominican Republic regarding the introduction of a system for the generation, issuance and validation of invoices in a digital environment. You can see more details about this publication here.

Anyway, here is a brief summary:

After a successful pilot project started in 2019, the DGII continued with its digital transformation work.How did it do it? Through two main points:

  • Implementing new regulations for the introduction of technology in the country’s invoicing system;
  • By establishing progressive deadlines for companies to gradually join what will be the only invoicing mechanism that will exist in the future.

Avansi as electronic biller

As it could not be otherwise and like many other companies in the country, Avansi has ridden the wave of electronic invoicing. In this sense, in Avansi we started the month of August with our first participation in the initiative.

First impressions of Avansi as an electronic biller

In these first days as an electronic biller, we can confirm that our experience has been positive. The generation of invoices in .xml format, their signature and sending to the DGII has been totally transparent for our accounting team.

In addition, the invoice we share with customers (in .pdf format) incorporates a new element: a QR code. This can be scanned, redirecting to a DGII page where the invoice data, as well as its status, appear. This certifies that the invoice has already passed through the DGII filter.

One more step towards the modernization of the Dominican Republic

From Avansi we are proud to collaborate with the technological transformation of the Dominican Republic; in this case not as a supplier, but as a user receiving public initiatives.

Today, the steps to follow in the invoicing process to generate an invoice are the same. However, we add an added value: now, we send the billing information in real time to the DGII. In this way, we facilitate the validation of the data by the relevant institution (DGII) and guarantee the integrity of the data, i.e. that it has not been altered since the invoice was issued and signed.

In this way, Avansi contributes another grain of sand in order to contribute to the modernization of the country. From another perspective, of course, but just as satisfactory.


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