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El Decreto 743/2024 promete ser un gran paso hacia la modernización tecnológica en Argentina

Decree 743/2024. Changes in the Regulation of Digital Signature in Argentina.

On August 19, Decree 743/2024 was published, marking a milestone in the modernization of the country’s administrative procedures. This decree, published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic, introduces significant changes to the previous regulation (Decree No. 182/19, which regulated the Digital Signature Law No. 25,506), in order to increase security, accessibility and efficiency in the country’s digital signature system.

Main amendments to Decree 743/2024

Specifically, Decree 743/2023 includes two articles that replace, on the one hand, subsection 2, of Article 21 of the Annex to Decree No. 182 of March 11, 2019; on the other hand, Article 27 of the reiterated Annex.

Thus, we find the following modifications:

  1. The applicant or subscriber of digital certificate issued by Licensed Certifiers may process its issuance, renewal or revocation without their physical presence before a Registration Authority. Previously, with article 27 of the Annex to Decree No. 182/19, the physical presence of the applicant was an unavoidable condition.
  2. The verification, by itself or through a Registration Authority acting in its own name and on its own behalf, of the identity and other relevant data of the applicants by means of biometric authentication factors, is allowed to be done in person or telematically. Real-time identity validation services will be employed using the data matching of the National Registry of Persons. Previously, paragraph 2. of Article 21 indicated that the verification must be done in person.

Argentina moves towards technological modernization with Decree 743/2024

The implementation of Decree 743/2024 is aimed at speeding up the processing of administrative actions. For Federico Sturzenegger, Argentina’s Minister of Deregulation and State Transformation, the updating of the regulations is motivated, in part, by the technological modernization process in which the Public Administration is involved. This process must be accompanied by a regulatory framework that takes into account the particularities of the use of telecommunications, both in internal organization and in relations with citizens.

In this context, simplifying the registry and promoting the expansion of the digital signature will facilitate the integration of the new information and telecommunication technologies in the public and private administration of the country, contributing to the integral modernization of the state system through a smooth transaction.

The changes presented with Decree 743/2024 seek not only to improve the security and efficiency of the digital signature in Argentina, but also to democratize its access and eliminate formalities.

Digitize your processes in Argentina with Viafirma

Like other countries in the region, Argentina has joined the remote management of certain procedures related to citizens’ digital certificates. With Decree 743/2024, the use of such certificates is expected to grow exponentially, especially if the following conditions are met:

  • Public and private institutions in the country make services based on digital signature software available to citizens;
  • The certificates become a synonym of guarantee and security in telematic procedures.

In this sense, Viafirma offers a suite of products that complement the use of digital certificates or other digital signature mechanisms. In Argentina, we are a registered trademark and recognized since 2023 by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). Therefore, the legality of all our digital solutions is guaranteed, enhancing agility and ensuring the maximum security of each process.

Do you have the need in your organization to digitally sign documents internally or externally, but do not know how to take that step? Contact Viafirma’s sales team. Our digital solutions are here to help you to leverage all the possibilities the Decree 743/2024 has to offer. With them, you will be able to sign all kind of documents easily, finding options for all your needs.


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