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Digital signature of informed consents without developments

The informed consents are documents that allow to express the free acceptance of a patient before the risks and benefits of a procedure or therapeutic treatment after having explained the situation about their health condition. In Viafirma, we offer a solution without developments so you can digitally sign these documents without programming anything. Do you want to know how? Keep on reading.

On the signing of informed consents.

The signature of these documents allows the signatory to leave evidence of informed decision making in their care,, which respects their freedom when making a choice. These documents also protect health care specialists by guaranteeing transparency, honesty and respect for the dignity and the signatory’s rights.

Informed consent provides the interested parties with detailed information on the procedures performed, risks and benefits,, alternatives and possible side effects, as well as all the information that may be relevant for the patient and the medical staff. Thus, a document records that the medical staff has provided the patient with adequate information and has obtained the patient’s voluntary consent; thus preventing future legal conflicts..

The signing of informed consents in Colombia.

In Colombia, the regulations governinginformes consentimiento is Law 1751 of 2015. his law establishes the legal framework for the promotion and protection of patients’ rights in the Colombian healthcare system and regulates aspects related to informed consent, including the obligation to adequately inform patients about medical procedures, risks, benefits and alternatives.

In the Latin American country, the electronic signature is a valid option for the signature of informed consents, as long as the established legal and security requirements are met and the authenticity and integrity of the document is guaranteed. Viafirma is characterized for complying with these parameters based on Law 527 of 1999, which regulates the electronic signature in Colombia and provides a legal framework for its use.. Our tools provide effective mechanisms at the moment of collecting the signature of the informed consent..

Sign your informed consent documents with Viafirma

If you work in the health sector or with medical staff and you need to sign informed consent documents in technological platforms or with your own software and templates, you are interested in Viafirma’s option..

We are experts in handling this type of self-created solutions and our consultancy can help you implement these documents digitally.

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