Try the different ways to digitally sign a document

Types of electronic signature

One-time code authentication is recommended for remote signatures. The signatory will receive an email or SMS with the signature request. He or she will only need to click on the link sent to access the signature page, which is the one shown in these examples.

SMS Code

The one-time code signature via SMS is recommended for remote cases where some or all of the parties are not in the same place. Depending on the country, it is considered an advanced signature.

Email code

This signature by means of a single-use code sent by e-mail is recommended for remote cases. That is, when some or all of the parties are not in the same place.

The handwritten signature can also be used remotely. Just keep in mind that the device where the signature is made is capable of capturing biometric data. For example, when signing with your finger from a cell phone, biometric data is NOT collected. Therefore, from Viafirma we recommend to complement this type of signature with one-time code authentication to sign documents digitally.


It is especially recommended for face-to-face scenarios where the signature can be captured on a device capable of collecting biometric data (speed, pressure, inclination...).

With digital certificate

If the signatory has a digital certificate, this signature method is recommended for cases in which both parties are not in the same place.

Additional options when signing a document digitally

Add images

Allows the signer to add images, which will be incorporated into the document to be signed. For example, in those processes in which an image of the signer's Identity Document is required.

Mandatory clauses

They are used to highlight those parts of the agreement that must be explicitly accepted when signing a document digitally.

The electronic signature is a set of data accompanying an electronic document. Its purpose is to identify the signer, ensure the integrity of the document and guarantee the acceptance of the signed data.

In times of digital transformation more and more companies have decided to eliminate paper-based processes and join digitalization. Viafirma’s digital signature fulfills all the requirements of the legal requirements necessary to be implemented in 100% of the administrative procedures.

Below you will find examples of handwritten, certificate and one-time code (OTP) signature tests. In addition, you will be able to test some additional options such as embedded images and checkboxes. All signature types you can test have a high level of usability, security and legality in practice. It will only take you a minute to try them out.

All signature types are combinable with each other, and there may be more than one in the same document.

From Viafirma we offer you the previous types of signature so you can try them quickly and for free. You are just one step away from joining the digital transformation, apply for a full demo without obligation and access to all the possibilities to sign documents digitally.

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