Electronic ID card (DNI electrónico in Spanish)- frequent questions

  • I cannot remember my Electronic ID card PIN. How can I change it or apply for a new one?

When applying for an Electronic ID card, besides obtaining an information document a “blind envelope” is delivered containing a randomly assigned PIN. If we loose this envelope we are lost as we do not know our Electronic ID card password and we probably haven’t memorize it either.

  • How can we change or apply for a new Electronic ID card PIN?

To do so, we must go directly to any National ID Card renewal Issuing Authority (Punto de Actualización del DNI Electrónico in Spanish).

In the following link, you can see where to find the nearest National ID Card renewal issuing Authority: Puntos de actualización DNI Electrónico

As we do not know the current PIN number, we must turn to a fingerprint reader to compare our summary of cryptographic data with the data stored on the chip at the date of issuing the certificate. If the examination results turn positive, the system will allow the user to change the Electronic ID Card PIN within a few steps.

  • Is it possible to change de DNIe PIN online?

Some time ago this option was available. However nowadays for security reasons, it is NOT POSSIBLE to change the PIN on the internet.

Therefore we can only go to any National ID Card renewal issuing authority (Punto de Actualización del DNI electrónico (PAD) in Spanish).

  • When does the ID digital certificate expire?

On May 29 2015, RD 414/2015 was adopted amending RD 1553/2005 of 23 December, which regulates the issuance of the ID and its electronic signature certificates.

The validity period of the electronic certificates has increased from four to five years.


As explained in the regulation it has been necessary to amend the law 59/2003 on the electronic signature to ensure that the certificate continues to meet all the stated requirements in terms of authenticity, validity and integrity.


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