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Five incredible years of improvements with Viafirma Mobile

Do you remember this news? For those of you who have been following our blog for years, you will remember that July 2010 where we told you that viafirma was available for Android, iPhone and iPad mobile devices. And the best part, it was free. Today it is still a benchmark in mobility. On the occasion of these five years, we want to tell you about all the new features that we have included in our Viafirma Mobile package. We are sure you will be surprised.

First of all, we would like to remind you that electronic signature platforms provide authentication to web applications. The idea is that users can access digitally signed applications from their mobile devices.

Five years ago we observed how quickly users were adapting to this type of device. More and more of us were interacting with information systems through smartphones or tablets. For this reason, we clearly identified the need to include electronic signature support in these devices.

Viafirma Mobile gave, and still gives, an answer to this need. Composed of viafirma platform and a set of electronic signature clients, our platform adapts to all mobile application markets.

Today, five years later, the boom in data consumption via mobile or touch tablet is much greater. In fact, the purchase of this type of device has skyrocketed to the detriment of laptop purchases.

We are not the only ones who have realized this change by adapting our products to the needs of consumers. Any web platform already has support for full interaction from the smartphone, known as responsive design. Moreover, web platforms that have “electronic signature” must support advanced electronic signature on mobile devices. This is our case.

Among our improvements we have included that the electronic signature can be supported on any operating system currently on the market. The applications integrated with our current version allow directly and free of charge the electronic signature and authentication from tablets and smartphones.

viafirma mobile on tablet

In addition to this, the digital signature is generated within the mobile device with a digital certificate software that is in the same without having to integrate anything else to interact or communicate. This is what is known as the advanced electronic signature.

Viafirma Mobile allows the signature through digital certificate or with advanced digitalized signature, which in order to give it the same legal validity as the advanced digital signature, is accompanied by the capture of the following data:

1.- Capture biometric data such as the pressure of the trace of the signature itself, analyzing each point itself and uncopyable.

2.- It has a geolocation system so that the signature saves the exact coordinates of the place where the signing has taken place.

3.- The time stamp, which means that the exact date on which it was signed is stored.

Digitized signature
Encrypted Pdf generated by the system

All this generates an encrypted pdf and the keys to decrypt it are not held by the client or supplier, but by a trusted third party, so security is guaranteed. In the event of a conflict, this pdf can only be decrypted with a Certification Authority, by court order.

Certification Authorities are trusted entities that issue or revoke digital certificates. They are known by their acronym CA.

Once again, the platform expands its Compatibility Matrix, guaranteeing the principle of Technological Neutrality cited in the Law 11/2007 on Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services. This is nothing more than the freedom that individuals and organizations have to choose the most appropriate technology for our needs (browser, operating system, device…), without depending on being implicated by our data or our own information. It mainly guarantees security and freedom. You will be hard pressed to find another similar solution that is as strict in its technological neutrality.

But if you have any questions about this and other terms you can consult our FAQ section on mobile signature.

So this is what we can tell you after five years of creating Viafirma Mobile. Who knows how many changes our products will have in the future. For sure they will always be to make our life easier. For our part, we will continue developing technology and applications for you. In Viafirma, we work every day with the illusion of improving the usability of the digital signature in mobile devices. Soon you will have news 😛


    The best electronic signature solution for your business

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