Heineken trusts Viafirma Documents with its On Demand modality

Heineken bets on advanced digital signatures with Viafirma and our Viafirma Documents on Demand solution. This way, Heineken will be able to arraign contracts with their clients through the sales agents’ corporate iPads.

Generally speaking, the need of mobility solutions that allow to access to the same information from different devices has increased recently, as more and more people need to work from various places and have smartphones and tablets as essential work tools, especially on jobs related to commercial activity and distribution.

Heineken has noticed this same need among their sales agents and distributors. Therefore, in order to lend a better service to their clients and improve the efficiency of their management, they bet for the development of an advanced digital signature solution: Hesafirma.

Hesafirma is an application based on the On Demand version  of Viafirma Documents, integrating the mobile CRM that the sales agents have in their corporate iPads, thus allowing them to ask for advanced digital signatures on formalised contracts with their clients.

For the integration of the project, we will count on Guadaltech, Sevillian technological consultant, responsible for the development of the aforementioned CRM for iPads. Moreover, it is important to mention Guadaltech will be in charge of the distribution of our product.


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