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infografía de la transormación digital

How to take the first steps towards the digital transformation of my company

Digital transformation is a very important step that any company has to take. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a series of steps to do it successfully: examine internally how the company is, its weaknesses and strengths; define a strategy of how this digitalization is going to be implemented and inform the employees of the whole process so that they know what changes have been made and how it affects them. We also offer an example of these tools, the digital signature, which can be very beneficial for this type of processes.

Digital transformation has become an essential process that each company must carry out and adapt to its circumstances. At first it can be somewhat complicated or challenging, so it is necessary to have a guide to carry it out and know what steps to take to achieve a successful digital transformation and that the company can benefit from it.

For this reason, we are going to review in four steps how to carry out the digital transformation in a generic way and also offer some important solutions, such as the digital signature, which is of great help to this process thanks to the mobility offered by this type of tools.

1. Define what is digital for your company

All companies can benefit, to a greater or lesser extent, from digital transformation, but each one has to do it in its own way, taking into account its circumstances. Therefore, the first thing to consider is what digital means for your company.

Many factors must be taken into account, such as the industry in which it operates, competitors’ strategies, the maturity of the sector, the scale of its activity and its value chain.

This analysis gives us details about what problems and challenges a particular company has and which ones need to be solved. From here, more information can be worked with and the processes and changes that are applied will be more effective. It is always important to apply tailored solutions and not to establish general measures without addressing specific problems.

2. Establish how to apply digitization

Once you have a clear idea of the overall situation, the challenges to be faced and where this digital transformation needs to be applied, the next step is to establish more concrete tactics and actions to achieve the proposed objectives.

These actions are very varied and depend to a large extent on the type of product or service offered by each company. For example, a redesign of these products or services can be carried out by adding a digital component with the possibility of connection to the network. This is the basis of the Internet of Things, a technology currently in vogue.

Building a digital environment as a basis for company growth is essential to have a sustained expansion in the future and gain in competitiveness. To develop this type of ecosystem, it is necessary to make use of technologies such as cloud computing.

The digital transformation has made information, among other things, an essential raw material for the development and improvement of any company’s activities, allowing for much better quality decisions.

3. Seek support from partners

Digital transformation is a process that needs experts in different areas to implement it correctly, so the support between partners is a very important step to achieve the objectives set out in the first points.

And, after all, a company’s resources are not unlimited. Partners provide access to more sophisticated strategies and tactics to meet the challenges at hand.

These partners have different roles throughout the process, all of them of great importance for its success. They can offer consultative services to help with the integration of digital technology, accelerating the transformation and even being essential to its achievement.

In addition, these types of allies can be of help thanks to their own experiences implementing digital transformation, learning from the mistakes of others and also from the successes achieved in similar cases in order to have a much more useful guide when it comes to

4. Prepare a training for employees

Once all the technology is integrated, employees need training to adapt to this new way of working, which in the end will be more efficient and satisfactory for everyone (workers and customers), but which requires a period of transition and adaptation to the new business culture.

To complete this phase successfully, it is important to have a meeting with all those involved to explain the plan and the vision of the company so that they understand the changes to be made and are aware of everything that is being done within their own company.

After this, a more technical training of the new integrated tools is likely to be necessary, explaining how they work and the advantages they offer in your day-to-day work.

Workforces where there is transparency work better, as they feel more integrated with the company and part of it, which makes them more involved.

The digital signature and its mobility within digital transformation

So far it has been a brief approach to digital transformation without going into details of what tools and technologies are used in these processes. We will now look at one of these in particular and find out what advantages it offers within the framework of digital transformation: the digital signature.

This type of signature is fully covered by the current European Union legality thanks to the EU 910/2014 regulation. Viafirma Suite meets all the requirements of the advanced electronic signature so that all documents signed through it are legally binding and can be admissible as evidence in any court.

After knowing the legal security offered by the digitized signature, it is necessary to know one of its great benefits that greatly help to improve the competitiveness of companies: mobility.

Viafirma created the universal signature concept to give greater importance to the benefit of mobility. The universal signature allows the Suite to be used in any device, in any operating system and anywhere.

This means that no company is tied or obliged to use a specific terminal, nor does it have to spend extra money buying new materials to adapt to the needs of the product purchased.

Mobility brings with it a number of advantages that are essential for a company to be competitive today. First of all, it represents a considerable cost saving, since the digital signature completely eliminates the use of paper, improving the organization, avoiding the accidental loss of important documents and contributing to the care of the environment.

In addition, digital signature solutions allow you to always carry with you (on your cell phone, laptop or tablet) the documents needed to close an agreement and do it at the same time, without the need to go to the office or arrange another meeting to place the final signature required.

In short, digital transformation is a process that all companies must go through if they want to remain competitive in today’s market, but it must be done in a planned way, with clear objectives and an understanding of the internal problems and challenges they want to face.

Among all the tools offered by digital transformation, the digitized signature is one of the main ones to be taken into account thanks to the added value it brings in any type of company with mobility.

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