Usuario utilizando el envío masivo de documentos

Sending documents in bulk

Can you imagine being able to send documents in bulk for signature? That is to say, sending a file to be signed by several people individually at once.

More and more meetings are held virtually and contracts are closed online. In this article we will discuss the concept of mass document sending, an option that you can already use directly from your Google account with our Viafirma plugin.

What is bulk document delivery?

Mass document sending allows companies to share one or more documents with several recipients in a single step in a simple way, either with their employees or customers. In this way, each one will receive the document individually, saving time and speeding up the closing of agreements.

With this solution, you can create signature processes of the same document for multiple signatories individually, in a single step and in a simple way.

Currently, this tool is being used by our clients to sign labor contacts, addendum, school enrollments, SEPA and insurance policy.

How to send documents in bulk for online signature

Next, we show you a videotutorial that explains the steps to follow in order to perform the multiple signature with Viafirma.

Each signatory will receive a single copy of the document to sign electronically. Once approved, you will receive the document again


Improve productivity with Viafirma

If your daily routine includes sending one or more documents to several people to sign, Viafirma will help you simplify and automate your work.

Many companies have realized that this type of technology saves them time, improves their performance and reduces costs. It is a very simple resource to optimize administrative procedures that require the validation of your receivers.


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