
Success Cases in the Financial Sector of the Viavansi Group

One of the challenges facing the financial sector is undoubtedly to take advantage of the impact of new technologies. It is no secret that the current digital era requires betting on improving customer service through the implementation of technologies capable of responding to the issues raised by an interconnected world. There are many financial institutions that have relied on Viavansi group for the development of solutions that bring them closer to the needs of this new digital economy. Today we take a look at some of our success stories in the financial sector.

As a customer of banking institutions, pension funds, securities portfolio or insurance companies, among other establishments in the sector, we are convinced that these technological changes will not have gone unnoticed by you. Many financial institutions have relied on Viavansi Group products to adapt to the new relationship model that prevails between customers and organizations.

These are customized solutions, equipped with the most advanced technologies related to eSignature or other systems for identification and authentication of the signer before performing certain operations.

Within these projects, we would like to highlight the implementation of our ICT solutions for electronic security in companies of the financial sector in different parts of the world, such as Mercofact (Dominican Republic), Banco Promérica, Barclaycard (United Kingdom) or Banco Itaú.

Our Success Stories in the Financial Sector

Here are some of our success stories in the financial sector:


Mercado de Comercio Electrónico de Facturas (Mercofact) is a Dominican Republic-based company specialized in the private factoring market. Within the private factoring market, among other aspects, are the alternatives for corporate financing by seeking liquidity through the sale of uncollected invoices.

This activity has benefited from the implementation of viafirma platform and a virtual office service in its SaaS version for the management of online procedures. Specifically, the electronic signature has been integrated with the sales purchase system in this competitive market.


Viavansi Group has also collaborated in the digital transformation of Barclaycard, one of the four business units of the Barclays Group, leader in credit card payment systems, with more than 30 million customers.

In Spain, the company has been offering customized banking coverage since the late 1990s. Viavansi collaborated with Telefónica and Athento in the creation of software that allowed the company to manage thousands of credit card applications, reducing the time it took to deliver the card to the customer, among other functionalities.

It is a software that covers the complete life cycle of the commercialization of your credit cards, building mobile solutions that, among other advanced functions, include biometric signature, document capture by camera, integration with card reader to capture DNIe data, document reading by OCR (Optical Character Recognition) or local generation of documents from templates.


Mutual Cartago de Ahorro y Préstamo (Mucap) is a pioneer banking institution as a mutual association in Costa Rica. Created in 1970, it belongs to the Costa Rican National Financial System for Housing and its main objective is to promote savings and investment in response to the country’s housing problems.

A social work that represents a great challenge, for whose achievement advantageous technological solutions are needed. Specifically, the bank has implemented Viafirma Platform to streamline its internal processes. It is a digital signature solution that allows the use of services related to this area in order to optimize its processes through e-signature.


Bancrédito, the “youngest” of Costa Rica’s three state-owned commercial banks, is a consolidated financial institution that seeks to combine personalized customer service with the demands of modern banking.

The implementation of viafirma platform was carried out with the collaboration of our partner Isthmian Technologies. A project that includes support for the certificates issued by SIMPE/Digital Signature according to the country’s regulations, based on cryptographic cards as support for the digital signature in order to authenticate and guarantee the confidentiality of the clientele.


Itaú, the largest private bank in Latin America, is successfully responding to the challenge of offering personalized coverage to its individual, SME and corporate banking customers thanks to its expertise and the technological support provided by different types of solutions, such as the one developed by viafirma.

Its commitment to the mobile signature in its home banking channel and the implementation of viafirma’s electronic signature services has resulted in an electronic signature authentication platform based on electronic certificates. On the other hand, it is complemented with the viafirma manager to measure, analyze and configure different statistics about electronic signatures.

Promerica Bank

Banco Promérica (Guatemala) is part of the Promérica Banking Network. It is a leading group with presence in Central and South America and the Caribbean, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

As part of its technological modernization plan, a project to customize the APP Token for iOS was carried out with the collaboration of Isthmian Technologies, Inc. This project is part of the improvement of the bank’s Online Banking platform in terms of strengthening security through two-factor authentication.

St. Georges Bank

St. Georges Bank (Panama) is part of the Promerica Banking Network. It is a leading group with presence in Central and South America and the Caribbean; Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

As part of its technological modernization plan, a project to customize the APP Token for iOS was carried out with the collaboration of Isthmian Technologies, Inc. This project is part of the improvement of the bank’s Online Banking platform in terms of strengthening security through two-factor authentication.

So far we have reviewed some of the main success stories of Viavansi group in the financial sector (you can see many more on Viafirma’s website). A sector technologically somewhat conservative, but that in recent years is taking giant steps in its digital transformation. Not only at process level. Given the possibilities opened up by digital identity, trust services and e-commerce, new financial solutions are emerging, alternatives to the traditional ones, which open a world of possibilities to this market. We are very sensitive to these changes and every day we research new solutions to provide an innovative response.


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