The Dominican Republic Customs Authority now using Viafirma suite

The Dominican Republic Customs Authority (DGA in Spanish) incorporates Viafirma Fortress into its customs process management system.

Users participating in these processes will be able to authenticate and sign documents on their usual platform (SIGA) via their centralized signature digital certificates. That certificate shall be managed individually through their Viafirma Fortress user accounts.

This solution will then allow access to these certificates which are stored on a cryptographic server in the cloud and validated through Identity Provides (Ids), such as one-time codes sent via SMS (OTP SMS), OTP email, OTP Token, fingerprint, LDP, etc. Users individually setup their certificates in the cloud.

It’s a big challenge for Viafirma given the high volume of documentation and economic impact the Custom Authorities has to the country. Therefore, we can only thank DGA for trusting us.


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