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The list of companies in all sectors that rely on Viafirma keeps on growing

During the first half of 2019, there are many companies that have wanted to bet on the digital transformation of their processes with the digital signature and have decided to do it with Viafirma. Sectors ranging from technology, cybersecurity or consulting, to publishing, civil engineering, stock exchange, customs, funeral homes or agri-food. All this variety shows that companies, regardless of their sector, are becoming aware of the importance of the digital transformation of processes and the benefits that the digital signature brings them.

Companies in the financial and healthcare sectors continue to grow. In the financial sector, some companies that stand out are Puesto de Bolsa CCI in the Dominican Republic and Agencia Negociadora (Grupo Reacciona) in Spain. Regarding the health sector, hospitals such as Torrejón, Grupo Ribera Salud, or the Official College of Pharmacists of Teruel, among many others that renew faithfully as SERGAS (Servizo Galego de Saúde).

The modification of the European legislative framework with the appearance of norms such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has required greater protection of users’ interests, as in the case of informed consent, for which many companies, large and small, continuously turn to Viafirma.

The Spanish Public Administration also continues to bet on the digitization of its cities. From north to south, they have trusted us, from the Provincial Council of Cadiz to the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona or Izenpe, through the Islands with the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and the autonomous city of Ceuta with Proceso Sociedad de Desarrollo de Ceuta. Also in Latin America, such as the recent incorporation of the General Directorate of Customs of the Dominican Republic, or the incorporation of the signature to the electronic invoice in the General Directorate of Internal Taxes of the same country. And these are just some of the administrations that have trusted Viafirma’s solutions during this first semester, as there are many, both European and Latin American, that have been using our solutions for years, and that consider us, according to the latest public tenders, as one of the leading companies in the sector.

Although we have several powerful telecommunications multinationals among our clients, until the incorporation of Radiotelevisión Española as a client, we did not have any multimedia content generation company among our references. This year we have also incorporated Secuoya, Grupo de Comunicación.

Other sectors that we can highlight are the automotive, construction and even European companies in the military sector. For confidentiality reasons, we cannot reveal the names of some of our clients or the specific services or developments we offer them, but it is surprising the versatility of Viafirma to adapt to the needs of any sector, however specialized and unique it may be. This is undoubtedly helped by our ability to adapt to the specific needs of each client, a quality that has always differentiated us.

Viafirma believes in collaboration for innovation as a driver of business progress (blue ocean strategy). In this regard, it is worth mentioning the importance that companies and organizations in the cybersecurity or digital identity sector itself, such as Thomas-Signe in Colombia or Indotel -regulatory body of the electronic signature in the Dominican Republic- trust us among all the options in the market.

These are some of the brands, many of them national or international leaders in their sector, that choose Viafirma. But we must not forget that in our commercial portfolio there is a huge amount of SMEs of all kinds; small car dealerships, clinics, training classrooms, stores, couriers, which benefit from the same security and usability that big companies do with our solutions…

Without a doubt, it has been a great first semester, where we continue to take giant steps in the digital transformation and security of companies in Europe and Latin America. Thank you very much for trusting Viafirma.


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