7 stamps to trust a digital services company

Undoubtedly, something that leads us to strengthen our confidence in a particular brand is the recognition behind it as a result of its good work and professionalism over time. What are some recognitions you should keep in mind? We tell you.

When it comes to digital services, of whatever nature, it is essential to have the confidence that the processes are safe. And we are talking about a fundamental quality for a person or institution to opt for a certain service.

Although we live in an increasingly digitalized society, there is still some suspicion on the part of the population to carry out some procedures digitally, especially if they involve an exchange of personal or sensitive information. In addition, some news related to cybersecurity problems can increase this distrust.

It is therefore essential for citizens and businesses to establish a mutual relationship of trust, which should encourage the latter to optimize their services and solutions in a way that offers security and excellence guarantees that allow this cultural barrier to be broken.

From Viafirma we work tirelessly for this purpose, which has made us creditors of 7 awards from different organizations that provide our products with the necessary standards of trust for our customers. Let’s see what they are.

Information Security Management Systems ISO/IEC 27001

This standard is intended to achieve an optimized system for the management of the huge amount of information that companies handle daily. In addition, it is applicable to all types of companies, regardless of their nature and the activities they carry out.

ISO 27001 is responsible for defining the processes to protect data, focusing on its confidentiality, integrity and availability. To do this, it defines a strategy for risk assessment to then describe actions to prevent its occurrence and mitigate the damages, if they have occurred.

It includes policies, procedures and technical implementations that involve all personnel throughout all the ranks of the company.

Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001:2015

With ISO 14001 we want to strengthen our commitment to the environment. Commitment on the other hand also demonstrated with the application of the paperless philosophy that characterizes the digital signature.

ISO 14001 is responsible for the management of environmental risks that may arise as a result of business activity. With it, in addition to contributing to a more sustainable planet, we achieve an improvement in the company’s image.

Thanks to this quality standard, potential environmental hazards are identified and acted upon accordingly. With this, in addition to the aforementioned advantages, we will improve production processes and avoid possible legal sanctions.

Let us not forget the environmental advantages that come with the use of Viafirma solutions!

Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2000

Here we are talking about what is perhaps the most widespread quality standard, and that is that it refers to the total quality management itself through the establishment of a comprehensive management system.

Its approach is intended to fully satisfy the needs of customers. This is achieved through continuous process improvement. This standard touches on aspects such as quality policy, work methodologies and the resources available to execute them.

With it, the general functioning of the company is optimized, having a positive impact on the client. This certification is so widespread that its achievement in virtually mandatory for companies, providing them with a plus of excellence.

Sellos de confianza empresa servicios digitales

Advanced Digitalized Handwritten Signature. European Agency of Digital Trust

The digitalized signature is very present in society. Daily we can see it in package delivery, warehouse management or production control operations, signing of parties involved in accidents, etc.

But for this firm to have some legal support, it must comply with the requirements defined for the advanced digitized signature that defines article 26 of the eIDAS Regulation, which are the following:

  • It must be uniquely linked to the person making the signature.
  • You must allow your identification without failure
  • You must control the information that has been used for the creation of the signature
  • In the event that the document has been altered after signing, this change must be detectable

Viafirma’s solutions meet these requirements, since with them the collection of biometric information (speed or pressure in the stroke, for example), geolocation, and software and hardware data used, time stamping and, in addition, all information can be collected in a PDF document.

Entity of Certification. Dominican Telecommunications Institute

Our subsidiary in the Dominican Republic, Avansi, obtained recognition in 2016 as a Certification Entity, being the first in the country. Recognition granted by the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel, for its acronym in Spanish).

As a Certification Entity, we can legally issue digital certificates as indicated by Law 126-02 of Electronic Commerce (Resolution No. 166-06). These certificates can be individual, corporate or financial entities.

Innovative SME. Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Government of Spain 2018 – 2021

With the seal of Innovative SME granted by the Spanish State, companies in which R&D& I is present in their day to day are recognized. The requirements to collect this distinction are legally defined in Royal Decree 475/2014, of June 13.

Thanks to recognition as an Innovative SME, companies enjoy various benefits, such as those of a tax type, in addition to participating in the Innovative Public Purchase (IPP) and accessing financing lines ICO Innovation Technology Fund.

European Commission Seals of Excellent. Horizon 2020, EU Framework Program for R&I 2014 – 2020

This Seal of Excellence awarded by the European Commission rewards the Innovation and Development (R&D) projects presented to the Horizon 2020 Program.

The criteria to follow to achieve this seal are excellence, impact, quality and ease of implementation of the projects presented. All of them will be evaluated by a group of experts of recognized prestige.

With this Seal of Excellence, companies get certain facilities to finance their projects.

So far, and for the moment, this brief review of the main seals of trust that support our day to day. In the near future we hope to expand this list that we are proud of, but that does not make us give up on our efforts to continue improving for you.


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