balance 2009 viafirma

Viafirma 2009 Summary

At the end of 2009, we want to make a review of the achievements obtained by Viafirma in the implementations of this year that we are about to finish.

Public Sector

As it could not be otherwise, our review will start with the implementation with the highest number of operations performed, that is, the implementation of Viafirma in the Fundación Tripartita para la Formación en el Empleo (Tripartite Foundation for Employment Training).

Tripartita Foundation

In just 10 months since it went into production, it has exceeded 2.6 million transactions, including authentications and signatures, as summarized in the following graphs.


The operations were carried out with digital certificates from several Authorities Recognized by the platform, among them, FNMT, eID, Camerfirma, Izempe, Ancert or ANFAC, but undoubtedly, the bulk of operations were carried out with FNMT company certificates, as shown in the following graph.


Effectiveness Ratios

The following graphs show the effectiveness ratio of completed authentications and signatures. If we take into account that for these metrics values were taken for logout without completing the signature or authentication process (for example, a user is authenticated in the system, and for any reason unrelated to the system, decides to close without signing the requested document), these results show an excellent performance.


Ratio de Efectividad en las Autenticaciones Authentication Effectiveness Ratio

Regional Government of Andalusia

The Regional Government of Andalucia is studying the use of Viafirma as an authentication and digital signature client. Thanks to this use, the Junta de Andalucía would benefit from the usability and technological neutrality that characterizes Viafirma, as stated in our Compatibility Matrix, probably one of the most complete in the market.

These implementations would be added to other implementations in the public sector in the Dominican Republic, where organizations such as the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII – the equivalent of the Tax Agency), or the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (SEESCyT) already use Viafirma to complete authentication and signature transactions through the use of Digital Certificates recognized by INDOTEL, the regulatory body.

Education Sector

In addition to the implementation of Viafirma last year in the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), in 2009 Viafirma will be implemented in the University of Extremadura and the University of Cadiz, which will have a centralized desktop for signatures.

Productive Sector

Toyota España integrated its ERP with Viafirma to manage the electronic signature of all its invoices, using the facturae 3.1 format offered by Viafirma, being recognized by the Tax Agency as a solution compatible with the approved format.

In the Balearic Islands, its College of Pharmacists (COFIB), completed the integration of its Electronic Prescription management system with Viafirma.


In 2009 we strengthened commercial and technical collaborations with the Firmaprofesional Certification Authority. We also extended our commercial relationship in the Latin American market, with collaborations in Chile, Panama, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.


In 2010 Viafirma will continue with the incorporation of new functionalities, new signature formats, new recognized Certification Authorities. The improvements introduced during this year that we are finishing, and those that we will include in the next one, are only possible with the support shown in all our implementations, also reflected in the numerous emails of support and congratulations received and, of course, thanks to the excellent team behind Viafirma.

For all of them, thank you and happy new year 2010!


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