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fundación tripartita

Viafirma goes into production at the Tripartita Foundation

In VIAVANSI we are in luck, yesterday Monday 16/03/2009, the Application of management of the formative Actions of the companies, of the Tripartite Foundation for the Formation in the Employment (former FORCEM) went into production. In this institution they have chosen Viafirma to introduce the authentication functionalities with digital certificates with many CA’s like DNI electronic, FNMT, IZENPE, Camerfirma, ANCERT, Firma Profesional, etc.

The application allows companies that carry out training activities to communicate the start and end of these activities to the Foundation, as established by the Ministerial Order that regulates them. The final scope of the application covers all Spanish companies that have internal training plans, so the volume of transactions to be supported is of an enormous magnitude. A few hours after the presentation and start-up of the application, we have already been able to verify that several thousand authentication and digital signature operations have been carried out satisfactorily. The expected load estimates exceed 80,000 digital signatures per day at times of massive use of the application.

Thanks to the use of Viafirma, the Tripartita Foundation guarantees a universal access to users. This is due to the great universality of Viafirma, which allows users to authenticate and sign with their digital certificates in any operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.), browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, etc.), certificate type and disposition in software, cryptographic card, USB token, etc.

In the last weeks several institutions have opted for Viafirma as authentication and digital signature solution. In addition to the Tripartita Foundation itself, Viafirma has been implemented in Toyota Spain, Col-legi Oficial de Farmacèutics de les Illes Balears (COFIB), in the electronic invoicing project Pymetronica of ETICOM…

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