Viafirma has received the Award for Excellence in Andalusian SMEs in the category of business services of excellence.
The Awards for Excellence in Andalusian SMEs, launched by Caixabank and Grupo Joly, promote the development of Andalusian society by supporting small and medium-sized companies that meet the conditions for it.
XII Awards for Excellence in Andalusian SMEs
Last night, our CEO, Antonio Cabrera, received the award granted by CaixaBank and Grupo Joly as part of the XII Awards for Excellence in Andalusian SMEs. This recognition, obtained with great pride, highlights the outstanding work of our company. The award ceremony took place at the Alfonso XIII Hotel in Seville, consolidating these awards as a key reference for the business network in Andalusia.
These awards are born out of the conviction that the existence of a dense and qualified business fabric is crucial for the development of Andalusia and that small and medium-sized companies of excellence must play a dynamic role in the regional economy.

These awards are born out of the conviction that the existence of a dense and qualified business fabric is crucial for the development of Andalusia and that small and medium-sized companies of excellence must play a dynamic role in the regional economy.
More than 20 years innovating and betting on the technology sector from Seville
Viafirma has a suite of products focused on the realization of signatures in a digital environment. We work in the area of the so-called Trusted Digital Services and we are specialists in the development of solutions related to electronic signatures: digital identity, authentication, biometric signature and mobility.
In addition, last year 2020 we became a Qualified Service Provider recognized by the Government of Spain, being the first company in Andalusia to achieve this distinction and one of the 20 Spanish entities that are authorized to provide this service with the capacity to act throughout Europe.
Our electronic signature products are applicable to all sectors and industries and carefully follow the requirements demanded in the international standards on the matter (eIDAS Regulation). This guarantees that any document signed with Viafirma complies with international standards even if you do not have a digital or corporate certificate.
Viafirma expands: We land in Colombia
We have clients in 19 countries and offices in Spain, Dominican Republic and now we welcome our new headquarters in Colombia. Betting on the Colombian market and continuing our expansion operation in Latin America.

“We see our arrival in the Colombian market in a face-to-face manner as very positive, as we firmly believe in the digital business transformation as the future that will lead companies to have better performance, greater leadership and a configuration that will enable their organizational development.
“In addition, this represents an important growth opportunity for us and fulfills the purpose we have set for ourselves, which is to strengthen our operations in Latin America”.
Antonio Cabrera Viafirma’s CEO