Almost without realizing it, we are now ten years old, so many things have happened since we started this adventure in a twenty-five square meter module where we could all fit, and there was still room to spare! We have left behind friends like Arturo, whose strong personality still permeates many aspects of this company.
Sometimes I long for those times, when we all went to breakfast together and knew each other much better than today’s circumstances make possible.
Although it is difficult, I would like us to never lose some of the values of that time, such as the sincere friendship among colleagues and the overflowing enthusiasm for the next project.
And now that we are what they call a medium-sized company, we realize how much everything has changed since then.
We have gone through many stages: the day we won the first contest, the UTEs halfway through with the big ones, the birth of Viafirma, our first real product…
I would like to thank all those who are making this dream possible: current and former colleagues, good clients and not so good ones, partners and friends in general who were always willing to lend a hand.
And now that we are gaining the respect of the greats, I would like us to never lose the freshness of the early days.
For another ten, or fifty years more…
Antonio Cabrera
Viavansi Group’s Chief Executive Officer