
How to use remote signing in your business processes

What does it mean to sign a document remotely? How does it benefit different types of companies? What does Viafirma contribute to this electronic authentication method? We bring you the keys of the remote signature and its relation with the digital progress of businesses.

Among the many benefits of digital signatures, the possibility of doing so regardless of where you are is one of the most important. Companies and individuals can take advantage of this method. In this article we will discuss some of the cases in which it can be useful and how we contribute to the process.

What is remote signing?

When we talk about electronically signing a document remotely, we are referring to signing the document over the Internet. From anywhere and from any device.

With the remote signature, we achieve an agility of business processes that was difficult to achieve until its arrival. With a wide range of applications, remote signatures can be used at all levels of the company.

Managers who travel constantly, employees who frequently work from home, clients, partners, suppliers, outsourced service providers, or any person involved in the signing process who may have some difficulty in physically travelling, are just a brief sample of the potential users of remote signing.

Cases of use for remote signature

As mentioned above, signing from the Internet can be used in many different scenarios. Here is a small sample of these possible situations:

  • Vehicle leasing companies
  • Purchase of vehicles
  • Informed consent in online medical consultations
  • E-commerce

Contract renewal in vehicle leasing companies

By leasing we mean the long-term rental of a vehicle, either for personal or professional purposes, by means of the payment of a monthly amount previously stipulated by the leasing company for the contracted period of time.

Vehicle leasing provides a number of advantages that make many individuals and companies opt for it. For example, leasing may include servicing, repairs, insurance, roadside assistance or a legal service for claiming fines.

In Spain, according to the Spanish Association of Vehicle Renting (AER), at the end of February 2020, 21.42% of total registrations corresponded to leasing vehicles, making it a market to be taken into account.

In the event that a user of a leased vehicle is so satisfied with this service that he/she wants to renew it, he/she can save the visit to the leasing company’s office by signing the renewal contract electronically and remotely.

Signing of informed consents in online consultations

New technologies have led to significant progress in the healthcare sector, giving shape to what is known as e-Health. Proof of this are the advances that have arisen with the remote monitoring of vital signs using wearable devices, electronic medical records and prescriptions, and online consultations, to name but a few.

In the case of health insurers, online consultations with a medical specialist are increasingly becoming part of the standard range of services they offer. The public health system is also beginning to consider this option in order to avoid bottlenecks, delays and unnecessary journeys.

Whether in the public or private sphere, informed consent must be signed before the processing in question is carried out. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) makes its characteristics very clear:

  • Free: the informant has control over it.
  • Specific: the purposes of the processing are clearly defined and unalterable afterwards.
  • Granular: each purpose will require a consent option.
  • Accreditable: details can be verified afterwards.

Whether we want to read the consent form calmly or avoid a visit to the health centre, the online signature will be our ally in these situations.

Purchase of vehicles

Still in the automotive world, the purchase of a motor vehicle at a dealership can also provide an opportunity for the remote firm to use it.

In fact, figures collected by the Spanish dealer association FACONAUTO tell us that a total of 1,258,260 passenger cars were registered in 2019, which was 4.78% less than in the previous year.

What role can digital signatures play in the world of vehicle purchases? When purchasing a vehicle, most buyers choose to finance the purchase in instalments that suit their purchasing power; when this payment method is chosen, the last instalment is usually higher and refinancing requires a visit to the dealership to sign.

With the remote signature, we can comfortably carry out this signature from the comfort of our home or from any place we wish without having to go to the dealership.

Electronic commerce

More and more people are opting for the convenience of the home or geographical mobility when shopping. Proof of this is the data provided by the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC). According to this analysis, during the second quarter of 2019, e-commerce turnover increased by nearly 30% compared to the same period in 2018.

The fact of having an online shop means that its managers may need remote signatures to simplify actions such as signing contracts with manufacturers and wholesalers, warehouse documents or procedures with the Administration.

How can Viafirma help you?

In Viafirma we have a series of tools for its creation and management available to all those who want to benefit from the remote signature.

Viafirma allows the possibility of creating documents for the signature, notifications by email or SMS and the subsequent monitoring and management of the signature process, in a simple and agile process.

All types of signatures legally recognised in Europe and in most of the international market (simple, advanced, qualified signature) can be used for signing. All types of signature evidences can be applied, signature flow, mass sending for signature, and a long etcetera of functionalities designed for 100% remote processes. And, of course, in strict compliance with the RGPD.

Remote signing makes a valuable contribution to the digital transformation of companies. In this article we have dealt with some practical cases of its application, but the catalogue of business models that can take advantage of its benefits is innumerable.

If you think that your company can make the most of this method of identification, do not hesitate to talk to us, we will provide you with all the information you need.


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