
What is deepfake and how do we fight it in Viafirma?

With the constant advance of technology, new challenges arise for society and, therefore, for companies. In this article, we analyze and talk about the current boom of everything related to deepfake and what we can do to combat it.

What is deepfake?

When we talk about deepfake (in Spanish “ultrafalso”), we refer to those hyper-realistic video montages that, lately, are proliferating and flooding social networks and the Internet in general.

Deepfake is born from the mixture of what is known as machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence).

A few weeks ago, we saw social networks invaded with montages of old photos thanks to the technology developed by Deep Nostalgia.

In a world full of hoaxes and fake news, with the evolution and constant improvement of deepfake, online trust will be much more difficult to achieve and will become, if it is not already, a very serious problem that companies will have to face.

How to fight against deepfake?

A very obvious area that can be affected by deepfake is where you have to identify yourself digitally. That is, where you must prove your identity. A very common example is the well-known onboarding videos. In general, video identification processes are equipped with technology that secures proofs of life in order to avoid any possible identity theft. Either through the use of deepfake, or any other alternative.

To combat counterfeiting, the ideal is to carry out processes where the user must verify his identity by providing documents that identify him and also proof of life. To do this, the user must provide corresponding photographs and videos, which are then processed by powerful algorithms that verify that the user is who he or she claims to be.

Verifying your identity with Viafirma and MATI

In order to fight deepfake and offer our clients more control over the end user’s identity, Viafirma has a new alliance with MATI, KYC provider specialized in identity verification. We incorporate all its potential in the processes that you already have configured with Viafirma in a fast and simple way.

With this new feature, you can incorporate a validation based on video on-boarding of your customer, who is asked for a proof of life through a video selfie and a photo of his identity document (passport, ID card, driver’s license, etc.).

In a few seconds, MATI’s verification process returns the result of the video and images verification, being able to automate in Viafirma the end of the process or its blocking in each case.

Thanks to this integration, now from Viafirma our clients can add one more step to the electronic signature requests of documents. In this way, we reinforce the security of the whole document signature process, ideal for KYC processes, and we expand the possibilities in terms of verification and identification of the end user.


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