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Viafirma is co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF.

Viafirma executes the VCN project (Viafirma Cloud Native) giving a qualitative and innovative step in electronic signature and digital identity solutions. For its implementation, it has been co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, represented by the Public Business Entity Red.es.

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) | Una manera de hacer Europa


Objetivos alcanzados con Viafirma Cloud Native

The objectives achieved with the development of the project allow to have an electronic signature and digital identity solution evolved from the one marketed by Viafirma, improving its functionalities, security, stability and maturity, and implementing new functionalities; with the application of the latest digital enabling technologies.

The solution is capable of operating in scalable environments without limits, allowing to respond to the thousands of concurrent transactions that the current market demands, with a centralized custody system that guarantees its security and durability; operating under the paradigm of high performance computing, and integrating technologies such as:

  • Docker

Open source technology that can be used to package applications in containers or run application containers. It is used to create portable, self-contained application containers that can run in a cloud environment or on local hardware.

  • Kubernetes

Platform that allows container orchestration, automating the deployment, scaling and management of services and applications. The container scheme under which Kubernetes works allows several parts of the same project or application to run in isolated environments (containers).

Thus, if one of the containers is unavailable for some reason, we can restore only that part of the project, and not the whole package, server or infrastructure.

  • Blockchain

Technology that allows a totally secure transfer of data by means of highly sophisticated encryption. This transfer does not require a centralized intermediary to identify and certify the information, but is distributed among multiple independent nodes that register and validate it without the need for trust between them.

The information, once entered, cannot be deleted, only new records can be added, and will not be legitimized unless the majority of them agree to do so.

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The best electronic signature and digital signature solution for your business.

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