tendencias en recursos humanos

Human Resources Trends in 2024

The beginning of the year is often a symbol of transformation and change for organizations. During the first quarter, business units decide to adopt new practices to improve their operations.

In this context, companies are preparing to follow four trends in human resources that will play a key role in talent management and process optimization.

Human Resources Trends in 2024

Headhunter thought social networks

How many times have you seen a person find a job offer thanks to social networks? Although at first LinkedIn and job portals were the means that facilitated this purpose, it is increasingly common for users to promote their personal brand on other platforms such as Instagram or TikTok. Their ability to viralize stories and content, added to their perception more human, are positioning them as the new Social Recruiting tools.

In this new landscape, Human Resources departments are undergoing a change in their strategies to attract talent. A change in which the personalization of messages and more human interactions are key.

Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Did you know that around 56% of the tasks performed by the Human Resources team can be automated with Artificial Intelligence? So estimates McKinsey Global Institute. From onboarding employees to managing efficiency and engaging them in the organizational culture of the organization, HR departments are expected to adopt tools that help them manage internal talent.

Its use will transform recruitment and selection processes, creating new habits that will streamline administrative tasks, provide personalized experiences and enhance capabilities for analyzing key insights such as skills gaps and areas for improvement. To start using it, the first thing to do is to perform a small analysis of which tasks can be automated. Of course, it is essential that the process is complemented by a human, empathetic and ethical perspective.

In this application, the electronic signature becomes a useful tool for sending documents in bulk, creating event logs or confidentiality agreement forms. But the benefits do not stop there. When using a digital medium, we find:

  • Strengthening the security of data exchanged between stakeholders
  • Acting in favor of sustainability
  • Time and cost savings in resources

Digital skills as a new recruitment factor

We live in a digitalized world in which the notion of core competencies has been displaced. Now, in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered by technology and include them in our daily work routine, very specific ones must be developed.

To achieve this, organizations must establish training programs and internalize a culture of learning as a community, beyond the Human Resources department. Moreover, if employees are up-to-date and more committed to the company, talent retention will be higher.

However, it is not about leaving aside other fundamental aspects such as training or experience. On the contrary, it is about better valuing acquired skills, especially digital skills, as taking them into account can help recruiters to be more flexible when choosing or promoting a candidate.

Employee experience in focus

Recruiters’ main actions will not only focus on skills development, they will also put their efforts into personalizing their employees’ experience. Organizations are recognizing that each employee is unique. This means tailoring policies, programs and communications to meet the specific needs of each individual. This goes beyond standard benefits and delves into understanding individual preferences, career goals and personal challenges.

Technology plays a key role in personalization. Data analytics tools, artificial intelligence and human resource management systems make it possible to gather information about employees and deliver more relevant experiences. For example, HR chatbots can provide targeted answers to individual questions, and adaptive learning platforms can deliver customized training.

As you have seen, the employment landscape in 2024 is looking forward to significant changes in talent management. And you, are you ready to join these trends?

Contact us and start digitally transforming your organization!


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