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Our bets for 2023

Happy New Year! In Viafirma we have great purposes for 2023. From our constant commitment to improve usability to a greater active community, to increase the number of digital signatures made. Do you want to know them? Here we tell you in detail.

Our products, more usable

In 2023, we continue to seek to facilitate the use of our digital signature services to our community. Let’s talk about solutions, let’s talk about what part of our services we can offer you according to your needs.

Our apps have a 2.6 rating and yes, we know that most people go in with no idea what to do in them, but this year we want to change that! We’re not going to create the new Tik Tok, but we aspire to make mobile digital signature tools understandable to the majority of the population. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

We also want to show you how you can use our services in the best possible way, so we are preparing new video tutorials! These products are very powerful and we want to show you step by step. Like a good wine, it takes time to understand the nuances and the work behind them. But don’t worry, we will accompany you throughout the process.

More signatures, this is war!

Whether through our prepaid voucher, monthly or annual model, last year we achieved a whopping 200 million signatures worldwide, a figure that we are proud of and that we are sure we will increase! That’s why this year we want to get to know you better, we want to show you (and you to show us) how to sign digitally, wherever you are.

We want you in our team

Our community is full of success stories! In Viafirma we have hundreds of customers and partners that use and offer our solutions. We will present them to you throughout the year. In the meantime, we are preparing a very hot batch of publications in social networks for you (because you follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, right?). Among others, we will upload updates of our applications, tutorials (how to get the electronic ID, for example) and much more.

We have a full 2023! We’ve already told you that the year has a lot to look forward to and we want to do great things. Do you want to see it in person?


    The best electronic signature solution for your business

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