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Viafirma 2023 in figures

At the beginning of the year, we wrote a publication in which we mentioned our bets and objectives for 2023. Almost 365 days later, we have analyzed if these data have been fulfilled or if, on the contrary, our forecasts were too optimistic and we have not achieved them. We present Viafirma 2023 in figures.

We are not going to make spoilers, but we can say that, after analyzing the bets and objectives we set for ourselves, it has been a year of good news for Viafirma. And we cannot attribute it to anything other than our commitment to our clients.

More than 23 years committed to our clients.

We are proud to say that we are a company with more than 23 years of experience. Year after year we have joined innovative trends and worked to offer great digital solutions; but, above all, the best service for our clients.

National and international companies, SMEs… we have clients of all sizes and sectors for whom we strive daily to make them feel part of the Viafirma family.

Our digital electronic signature solutions, based on a series of values and developed in accordance with the requirements of international standards in this area (elDAS Regulation), are a symbol of quality and security.

Viafirma 2023: Our achievements

Objectives, achievements, community… Our trajectory as a serious company and a national and international benchmark is consolidated in a series of achievements over the course of 2023.

Do you want to know the results of our year? We leave you the details:.


What better way to start our year-end wrap-up than with a tally of new customers? We can’t deny it. We like to pamper them (both them and our partners) and make them feel at home. And they like it too.

Proof of this is the growth we have experienced in the number of customers this year. Compared to last year, we have obtained a 37% rate of new clients. No more and no less! In terms of the total number of customers, this represents a 57% increase over 2022. Finally, we have also had a positive impact on clients churn: 10% fewer customers have churned.

Looks like we’re doing things right!

Our digital community keeps growing!

In 2023 we have increased our community of followers and reach significantly.

Our training workshops, solutions and tutorials have been very successful on YouTube! Viafirma’s YouTube profile has grown by 20% compared to 2022: we now have 292 followers, 49 more than last year.


On the other hand, we are still going strong with our LinkedIn publications, and it’s all thanks to you! We have managed to increase our number of followers by 15%, from 2,418 in 2022 to 2,781 in 2023.

This year we also highlight the creation of our TikTok profile, where we talk about the world of electronic signatures, solve frequent questions that you ask us about Viafirma and our technological solutions, and share content that may be of interest to you.

New WhatsApp service.

Haven’t you heard about it yet? We have a new service for  sending electronic signature requests via WhatsApp.

It’s impossible to deny it: WhatsApp came into our lives a few years ago and, since then, we are rarely not sending and replying to a message on this platform. How could we not join and facilitate the sending of signature requests, from companies to clients, being the everyone’s favorite channel to do so?

Already 28 companies have been informed about sending electronic signature requests via WhatsApp with Viafirma!

If you are still not familiar or do not know how to send electronic signature requests via WhatsApp to your customers, we leave you with this video tutorial:


📨Hoy te enseñamos a enviar notificaciones de #firmaelectronica por #WhatsApp con Viafirma.📲 Una notificación de WhatsApp favorecerá el acceso de clientes y empleados al documento a firmar, optimizando los procesos de tu empresa. ¿Quieres conocer más información de esta funcionalidad? Reserva una reunión hoy y te enseñamos cómo funciona. 👉 https://www.viafirma.com/es/rrss-whatsapp/

♬ original sound – Viafirma – Viafirma

2023 is almost over, but we have a whole new year ahead of us to achieve new goals. Will we achieve our resolutions?

Choose Viafirma as your electronic signature solution and check it with us!

Do you have questions or need more details?

We are here to provide you with all the information you need.
Click here to speak to our sales team.

We’re just one step away!

The best electronic signature and digital signature solution for your business.

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